Could Your Family Benefit From A Meeting

Could Your Family Benefit From A Meeting

Posted by Admin1034 in Blog, Uncategorized 25 Jul 2016

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Could your family benefit from a meeting?
GBK Strategic Financial Partners self-assesment questionnaire is a good place to start when considering engaging and reviewing your family’s broader financial picture.  It will help you assess the degree to which you have a handle on your financial affairs and where you may need some help getting and keeping them in good order – for your own sake and for your family.
Our financial affairs are well-organized and in good order.
I know what my family’s long term goals are and can quantify them.
I receive regular, easy to understand, consolidated reporting on all our family holdings
across all of our entities and family members.
Our personal financial situation is straightforward, I enjoy managing it and feel I am doing
a good job.
We have a very good document records system that allows us or our heirs to quickly put
our hands on whatever we need.
I can safely say that very few financial details fall through the cracks in my life.
I know what rate of return we need from our investments to ensure we meet our family’s
objectives over the long run.
I am confident that our asset allocation is appropriate.
Our investment managers have been objectively reviewed recently and I am confident we
have the right ones in place and in the right combinations.
We have a written Investment Policy Statement for our overall investment portfolio that
clearly lays out the objectives, limitations, review process and accountability.
I am comfortable that we have the appropriate level of risk in our portfolio.
We have a regular, consistent review process in place to evaluate the success of our
investments and other financial issues against relevant benchmarks.
We are well diversified and not overly reliant on one particular investment.
I am comfortable that we are taking advantage of all the tax efficiencies available to us.
I am confident that the tax location of our investment assets is optimal.
I understand how the use of a trust could decrease the amount of tax we pay.
I full understand the tax implications of any U.S. assets we own, and have protected
ourselves accordingly.
I have a clear idea of our estate objectives and how much our heirs will receive and when,
and am comfortable with the amounts they will receive.
Our wills have been updated in the past three years.  We have properly-executed powers
of attorney for financial and health care purposes.
I feel comfortable that our children are financially well-educated and sufficiently
responsible to inherit the assets that are likely to be left to them.
I understand all our insurance policies and am confident that they are appropriate
and up-to-date.
I know exactly how much capital I will need to maintain our standard of living.
I know what our family expenses are and feel that they are manageable over the long term.
I have a game plan in place to prepare for a liquidity event, such as retirement.
Our family has frequent, open, healthy dialogue about financial issues.
I’m comfortable that my spouse and children will be able to manage without me.
I am comfortable that our family net worth is not at risk if one of my children get divorced.
If any of my family members is a U.S. citizen, resident or green card holder, I understand the
tax compliance risks facing the family and have addressed them.
I have an advisor who is knowledgeable and objective regarding all of the issues above.
My advisor is proactive and regularly anticipates the key that issues need attention in my life.
I know all the fees we are paying to our advisors and understand the value we receive
and the impact on our net worth.
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