The Difference Between Being Rich And Being Wealthy

The Difference Between Being Rich And Being Wealthy

Posted by Admin1034 in Blog, Uncategorized 07 Mar 2016

Let’s all be very honest with ourselves, we all want to be rich. We want to enjoy the fruits of our labour and live a life that is more fortunate and ultimately extravagant than the average man. We dream of having the planes, fast cars, nice watches and spending our holidays on yachts in St. Tropez. These are things that everyone wants, but very few actually get.

The difference between the ones that do and the ones that don’t is not just simple luck. It’s not the lack of opportunity that one person had behind the other. It comes down to the person, it comes down to their mindset, it comes down to their purpose, motivation and will power.

It comes down to how bad they want it and how far they are willing to go. It’s never the ones that are just motivated by money, it’s the ones who are motivated to change the world and build a legacy because that is what wealth really is.

“You aren’t wealthy until you have something money can’t buy.”-

Many mistake being rich for being wealthy but the difference is actually quite vast. Rich just means having money. There are many rich people out there but not many of them are truly wealthy by definition. Wealthy people are not just rich in the pocket, but in the mind as well. They are the innovators and world-changers who have a significant impact on the lives of a great amount of people.


Being wealthy means you have done something in this world that has not just pleased you, but has also stimulated the intellect or emotions of those around you. Wealth comes with living for other people, dedicating your time and energy to making their lives more worthwhile in some way. The money comes with it as result but it’s never something that classifies a person between the classes of rich and wealthy, and that is where the constant mistake is usually made.

Most people believe in overnight success. They think that if they could just put their mind to it, they are already half way there. Boy are they funny. There is so much more that goes into success than just believing you are worthy of it.

Think about how many people you see in the gym after New Years and then two weeks later you never see them again because they are not getting the instant results they want. That is the same thing that happens to so many people when they actually go out there and try to get the life they have always dreamed of.


Wealth is not something that comes out of nowhere and is just handed to people. Think about the difference between the guy that wins the lotto and the guy that actually worked hard for his success. The lotto guy ends up broke and in a dumpster addicted to heroin whereas the wealthy man will enjoy his success forever because he is not only strong in his pocket but in his mind as well.However, let’s not forget the trauma the man suffering from the erectile dysfunction, online levitra you can use certain treatments, which can help you deal with the condition. Increasing flow of blood ensures a great cialis in spain erection and this assists in providing man with enjoying a good time with you partner. Constant drive viagra online mastercard to gain control over everything: One way of dealing with the Moose-on-the-Table is to introduce the new regime over a weekend when extracurricular activities have been cleared from the schedule. The complicated driving skills and situations are explained with the help of colorful and attractive lessons that fascinate the student forcing him to pay full attention.Don’t fret that you will not clear the test! You will easily get your driving license after going through the written examination; because the visual aids used to impart the lessons during the drivers ed clears the tough driving concepts and makes viagra from india the subject matter.

His mind is what got him his success, not his good fortune. It’s the ability to jump over the hurdles that are placed in your way and never stop chasing what you love that creates that mental wealth.

We often focus on the success that we see in others, but fail to recognize the hard work that led up to it. What you need to know is that everything worthwhile takes time. If you want to see incredible results and make incredible things happen, you need persistence and desire. Your ability to cultivate desire and take persistent action is what will make you successful, not your natural talents. It’s all about consistent daily action.

Never forget that what you do on a daily basis determines your habits, and your habits determine who you are, what you accomplish, and the legacy you leave. People will measure you by what you do and what you have managed to accomplish in your lifetime, which then of course leads to your legacy.


If you have inspired people and they are retelling your story for generations to come, then you have created wealth in your life. You have done something different, you have changed the world and you managed to not just settle for being rich by putting your power to good use.

“Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time”

You can tell the difference between a wealthy person and a rich person pretty easily. Most wealthy people don’t stand out as much as the rich people. While the rich flaunt their money, the wealthy tend to live quieter but still adventurous lives. Rich people are motivated by money but wealthy people are motivated by their dreams, purpose and passion.

They do what they do to make their life more fulfilling and others lives more interesting, not because they can’t wait to drive that new sports car. Our modern day world is obsessed with money for all the wrong reasons. We look at it as a gateway for solving all of our problems but I assure you that any wealthy person they will tell you that more money equals more problems and that it takes a person that has been through the stress of reaching success to handle them.

Our world houses more weak minds than it does strong ones. This is why the world is separated between the 97% and the 3%. The 97% is the average and normal people as well as the rich people. The 3% are the wealthy ones that decided they were going to live their life with a definition rather than have life define them instead.

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